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1977 - 2023: 47 years of activity of the Centro di Studi Sorani Vincenzo Patriarca APS

Privacy, Cookie, Terms and Use Conditions

Centro di Studi Sorani Vincenzo Patriarca APS

1. Premise
This Privacy & Cookie Policy is intended to describe the terms and conditions of use of this site, with reference also to the processing of personal data of users / visitors who consult and cookie management. This disclosure notice provided pursuant to the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and subsequent amendments and supplements, GDPR - UE 2016/679), the General Authority Provision of 8 May 2014 relating to cookies, to those who link to this website and benefit of its web services. The information applies only for this site and not to other Web sites accessed through links.

2. Data usage
2.1 Holder
Following consultation of this site may be processed data on persons identified or identifiable. The data controller is :

Centro di Studi Sorani Vincenzo Patriarca APS
Piazza San Domenico 76
03039 Sora (FR)

The controller is the President of the Center, preside prof. Luigi Gulia

Here in this text we will refer to the holder of Centro di Studi Sorani "Vincenzo Patriarca", and labeled as the "Centro".

2.2 Place
The processing connected to this site's web services take place at the headquarters of the Centro are carried out only by technical staff of the section in charge of the treatment, or others charged with occasional maintenance operations. No data from the web service is communicated or spread. The personal information provided by users who request dispatch of informative material (newsletters, invitations, etc.), Are used only to perform the service or provision requested.

2.3 The processed data
All data is protected through the use of antivirus, firewall protection through password. The site automatically collects certain anonymous aggregate data on the use of the Service, such as the number of users, the frequency and method of use of the site or the extent to which you use certain features. These data are not linked to any personal information that allows the user identifiable.

2.3.1 Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This data can be used only to obtain anonymous statistics on site usage and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical crimes against the site. Use of the site is open, free and does not require registration.

2.3.2 Information you provide
Sending e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the communication. The provision of data is optional except those listed as required to access the services offered by the site. All data will be stored on electronic media protected and will not be disclosed without their consent. The user can request the cancellation of data at any time by formal request.

2.3.4 Cookie Wide information on Cookies
Cookies are small text files that websites visited by users to send their terminals (usually the browser), where they are stored before being transmitted back to the same sites at each subsequent visit by the same terminal. The "first-party cookies" (ie, the cookies that belong to the publisher's site that created them) are set by the user visited website, whose address appears in the URL box. The use of these cookies allows us to operate the site efficiently and to track the visitor behavior patterns. In addition, each site may allow the transmission of C.D. "Third-party cookies", ie those generated by Internet sites other than the one that the user is visiting (through objects present in it such as banners, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages in other domains). Depending on their length, are divided into "session cookies" (ie, those temporary and automatically deleted from the terminal at the end of your browsing session by closing the browser) and "persistent cookies" (ie, those that remain stored on the terminal until the their expiry or cancellation by the user).
Cookies have different purposes. They are primarily used for the transmission of the communication or to provide the service requested by the user; more precisely they allow you to enable and optimize the operation of the website, perform computer authentication and prevent abuses, monitor the sessions, improving the experience of the user's navigation, for example, while maintaining an active connection to restricted areas while browsing through the pages of the site without the need to re-enter the User-Id and password and storing information specific to users themselves (including preferences, the type of browser and computer used).
These are called "technical cookies" (to use them you do not need your permission), because without them some of the above operations may not be completed or would be more complex and / or less secure. Otherwise, if cookies are used for additional purposes, typically for analysis of the behavior and sending promotional and personalized ads, the SO-CALLED "Profiling cookies", or even just to get, through the services provided by third parties, aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the site (so-called "analytics cookies"), you require the consent of 'user. In fact, before sending these cookies on the terminal, in accordance with current regulations (the Privacy Code and the general provision of the Guarantor of 8 May 2014), at the time when you access the home page or any other page on the site, it is immediately shown in the foreground a banner with a first summary report on the use of cookies and the collection of consent, which the user can pay continuing browsing through the selection of an underlying element to the banner or closing the banner itself.
In any case, cookies can only be read or modified by the website that created them; They can not be used to retrieve any data from the user's terminal. Some of the cookies functions can also be performed by other technologies; therefore, in the context of this policy, the term "cookie" is means to refer to the cookie and to all similar technologies.
This site uses session cookies and persistent cookies. The types of cookies directly generated from this Site are the technical cookies and cookie profiling third party for which, as a technical intermediary, did not manage the operation (not therefore control and access to information / acquired ) since their operation it is the responsibility of third parties; therefore no liability for linked sites. For these cookies, you can access to the information and the acquisition modules of third-party consent. Third parties are:

a) Social media, which typically manage cookies to allow, via plug-ins, content sharing among members "logged" of the same social network. To view the respective privacy policies and cookies you can visit the Web sites of social networks, following the most popular:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com

Twitter: https://support.twitter.com

Google+: https://www.google.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com

b) Services to collect aggregate information / statistics about users who visit your site, Google Analytics type provided by the company Google:


These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the Site by users anonymously such as page views, time spent on the page, the origins of the sending traffic, geographical origin, used devices, browsers, etc. The site will use this information to anonymous statistical analysis, in order to make the content more useful and relevant to users' wishes. Of course you can visit the site without cookies.
Most browsers accept cookies automatically. How you manage your preferences for cookies through the functionality in common browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Crome, Apple Safari), which allow you to delete / remove cookies (all or some) or to change the settings the browser itself so as to block the sending of cookies or limit it to specific sites. E 'can learn about the ways in which to configure the browser settings (normally accessible from the "Tools" bar) to avoid the automatic registration of cookies, going on the web pages of "support" of the above browser vendors (also identifiable by a common search engine). Alternatively, you can also refer to "Help" of the toolbar present in most browsers. You can cancel at any time any cookies already on your hard drive. Disabling cookies does not by itself preclude the use of the Website services; But if all cookies, including technical, some operations may not be completed or would be more complex and / or less secure are deleted / blocked. To learn more about cookies and to manage cookie preferences (first and / or third party) users are invited to visit the platform:


3. Terms and conditions of use
The users / visitors must carefully read this Privacy & Cookie Policy before sending any personal information and / or filling in any form
Electronic on this website. By accessing and using this Web site, you agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use which can be modified or updated at any time and you agree to comply with these changes effectively or updates.

3.1 Copyright
All contents of this site are the property of the Centro and / or, as applicable, its suppliers and are protected by Italian and international laws on copyright. The compilation (meaning the collection, organization and assembly) of all content is the exclusive property of the Center and is protected by Italian and international laws on copyright. Any use of the site content, including reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or licensing to third parties is strictly prohibited. The names, images and logos identifying the Site, as well as their works, products and services, are belonging to the Centro. Nothing contained on the Site shall be construed as conferring to you or any third party, by implication, exclusion or in any other manner, any license or other of any trademark or patent related to these names, images and / or logo. All rights, including copyright and rights in this Website database and its contents, are the property of the Centro or licensed to Us. The contents and the services of this site are intended for personal use and not professional. The player is not authorized to modify, publish, transmit, share, assign in use in any way, reproduce, edit, distribute, perform, give access or commercially exploit in any way the contents or services of this website even partially. The player, only for personal use, you may download or copy the contents and any other downloadable material available through the Site services provided overs faithfully all the indications of copyright and other instructions on the site. Playback and gathering of any content for different reasons than personal use is expressly prohibited without prior express authorization in writing by the Centro or the holder of copyright as indicated on the site. The content from news agencies or other sites, are published by the Centro which does not assume responsibility for incompleteness, inaccuracies, errors or omissions with respect to the integrity of information and is not responsible for any consequential damage.

3.2 Disclaimer
The information, services, products, and present materials and published on the site, including without limitation, text, graphics and links, are provided without warranty of accuracy or lack of errors. To the extent permitted by law, the Centro and its suppliers make no warranties, express or implied, with respect to such information, services and materials. The Centro and its suppliers do not guarantee that the information accessible via this site is accurate, complete or up to date and do not take any responsibility for typographical errors. The Centro does not assume, also, no liability to sull'elaboratore transmission of viruses player and otherwise harmful content originating from third parties. We assume no liability and will be held free and harmless from any obligation to make reparation for any damage to or viruses that may affect Your computer equipment or other property on account of access, use or browsing of the Site of 'User or the downloading of material, data, text, images and audio and video clips on his part. In no case, therefore, the Centro and its suppliers be liable for any indirect, direct, punitive, or consequential, arising from the use of this site.

4. Optional supply of data
Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the application forms or indicated in the "contact" section to request the sending of informative material or other communications. Their absence can make it impossible to fulfill the request.

5. Scope and Method of treatment
The data can be collected to provide access to restricted areas of the Site, for sending communications, news, updates on the Centro's initiatives and for managing contacts. The data are processed by automated systems, and just for the specified aims and for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illegal or incorrect use and unauthorized access. In the treatment of all personal data on the user, the Centro will observe the laws of the Italian Republic on the Protection of Data and the Protection of Personal Information from time to time in force. Where the User does not accept fully all these Terms and Conditions, the user will not have permission to access the Site and should cease using immediately act. The User also declares, pursuant to and by effect of the current regulations that you have read carefully and specifically approve the covenants contained in this document. The personal information collected may be disclosed to persons who should have access to information, such as by law or secondary legislation and / or Community.

6. Rights of interested parties
Subjects covered by the personal data held by the Centro, have the right to obtain at any time confirmation of the existence or otherwise of such data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request the update , rectification and integration (art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003). Pursuant to this Article shall have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, their treatment. Requests should be addressed to the Owner above through one of the channels made available.

7. Document modification
This document may be subject to changes or updates. The Use of the information collected is subject to disclosure in effect at the time such information is used. The use of the service by users, after any changes to privacy, constitutes acceptance of them..

This Privacy & Cookie Policy was last updated May 24, 2018.

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Centro di Studi Sorani Vincenzo Patriarca APS - Piazza San Domenico, 76 - 03039 Sora (FR)

studisorani@pec.it - studisorani@tin.it

President's phone number: +390776 833793

C.P. n° 121 - ccp: 10399038 - C.F.: 82005830607 - P.I.: 00373630607